Policies of the Bekkum Memorial Library
The following policies, adopted on March 10, 2020 by the Library Board, replace all policies previously enacted.
Click HERE for a printable version of the following.
I. Mission and Goal Statements
A. The mission of the Bekkum Memorial/Westby Public Library (hereafter referred to as the Library) is to provide opportunities to learn, share, grow and play.
B. The goals of the Library shall be:
1. To serve all residents of the community and the surrounding region.
2. To acquire and/or make available to all patrons of the above area the materials they need to:
a. become well informed.
b. locate answers to questions.
c. cultivate the imagination and creative expression.
d. develop skills for career and vocational advancement.
e. enjoy leisure by means of reading and other media services.
3. To maintain a program of service which locates information, guides reading, organizes material for people of various backgrounds, and stimulates thinking and intellectual development in individuals of any age.
4. To strive consistently to discover new methods and improvements for better service for the Library’s patrons.
5. To regularly review the goals of the Library and, if necessary, revise them in the light of new developments.
6. To provide the most current, trending and requested materials at our library.
II. Who May Use the Library
A. The Library will serve all residents of the community and the public library system area. Service will not be denied or abridged because of religious, racial, social, economic, or political status; or because of mental, emotional, or physical condition; age; or sexual orientation.
B. The use of the Library may be denied for due cause. Such cause may be, but not limited to, failure to return library materials or to pay penalties, destruction of property, disturbance of other patrons, or any other illegal, disruptive, or objectionable conduct on the Library premises.
III. Patron Responsibilities and Conduct
A. It is a patron’s responsibility to maintain necessary and proper standards of behavior to protect his/her individual rights and the rights and privileges of other patrons. If a patron creates a public nuisance, that patron may be restricted from the Library and from the use of the Library facilities. Those who are unwilling to leave or do not leave within a reasonable amount of time, after being instructed to do so by the staff, will be subject to the law.
B. Young children: The Library encourages visits by young children and it is our desire to make this important visit both memorable and enjoyable for the child. Library staff is not expected to assume responsibility for the care of unsupervised children in the Library. Therefore, it is the Library policy that all children under age six must be accompanied by a parent or designated responsible person age 13 and older while in the Library. If any child younger than six is attending a Library program, we require the parent/ responsible person to remain in the Library throughout the program. No child under the age 13 may be in the Library unattended for a period of more than 2 hours per day.
C. Disruptive children: Children of all ages are encouraged to use the Library for any services provided by the library such as homework, recreational reading, and program attendance. Children (whether with parents or not) who are being disruptive may be asked to leave the Library. If the child is asked to leave the Library and needs to contact a parent, they may do so.
D. Food and/or drinks: Food and/or drinks are not allowed in the Library, except at designated times or in designated areas.
E. Proper apparel: Shirts and shoes are required to enter the Library. Wet swimwear is not allowed.
F. No talking on cell phones: Permission may be granted on a case by case basis. Cell phones for games, texting, internet, etc., are permitted as long as the sound is turned off. Headphones and ear buds are allowed.
G. Other Activities: The following activities are not allowed in the Library, including but not limited to:
1. Smoking.
2. Creating a disturbance by making noise; talking loudly or engaging in other disruptive conduct.
3. Interfering with another person’s right to use the Library or with the Library staff’s performance of their duties.
4. Threatening behavior, including, but not limited to violence, threats of violence, and possessions of weapons.
5. Bringing animals into the Library except service animals or animals used in programs.
6. Playing audio equipment so that others can hear it.
7. Misusing the rest rooms (i.e. using them as a laundry or washing facility).
8. Soliciting or canvassing of any kind.
9. Entering “staff only” areas without permission.
10. Running.
11. Sleeping.
IV. Services of the Library
A. The Library provides materials and resources for information, entertainment, intellectual development, and the enrichment of the people of the community. The Library should endeavor to:
1. Select, organize, and make available necessary books and materials.
2. Provide guidance and assistance to patrons.
3. Sponsor and implement programs, exhibits, displays, book lists, etc., which would appeal to various age groups.
4. Cooperate with other community agencies and organizations.
5. Secure information beyond its own resources when requested, using interlibrary loan and other resource sharing methods provided through the system and state.
6. Lend to other libraries upon request.
7. Develop and provide services to patrons with special needs.
8. Maintain a balance in its services to various age groups.
9. Cooperate with school or other institutional libraries.
10. Provide flexible open hours, including evening and weekend hours as needed to best satisfy the needs of the community.
11. Regularly review library services being offered.
12. Use media and other public relations mechanisms to promote the full range of available library services.
V. Responsibilities and Authorities of the Library Board
A. Refer to Chapter 43 of the Wisconsin Statutes (particularly section 43.58), the Wisconsin Public Library Trustee Manual, and individual library bylaws to provide basis and framework for the responsibilities and authority of the Library Board and individual Trustees. Duties include, but are not limited to:
1. Legal responsibility for the operation of the Library is vested in the Board of Trustees. Subject to state and federal law, the Board has the power and duty to determine rules, policies and regulations governing the Library operations and services.
2. The Board shall select, appoint and supervise a properly certified and competent Library Director, and determine the duties and compensation of all Library employees.
3. The Board shall approve the budget and make sure that adequate funds are provided to finance the approved budget.
4. The Board shall have exclusive control of the expenditure of all moneys collected, donated or appropriated for the Library fund and shall audit and approve all Library expenditures.
5. The Board shall supervise and maintain buildings and grounds, as well as regularly review various physical and building needs to see that they meet the requirements of the total Library program.
6. The Board shall study and support legislation that will cause the greatest good to the greatest number of Library users.
7. The Board shall cooperate with other public officials and boards and maintain vital public relations.
8. The Board shall approve and submit the required annual report to the Division for Libraries, Technology, and Community Learning, and the Westby City Council and the Vernon County Board.
B. The Library encourages each Library Trustee to take advantage of training opportunities for Trustees offered by the public library system or statewide agencies and organizations. Likewise the Library encourages Trustees to be active in the state library organization and its efforts to inform the governor and legislature of the benefits and needs of public libraries.
C. New Board members will participate in an orientation conducted by the Library Director and/or a Library Trustee within three months of beginning their term.
D. Board Attendance: This attendance policy is intended to support full contribution of all board members. All board members receive a copy of this official policy. Appointed members of the Board of Directors shall be allowed four absences of regular Board meetings in one year – May through April. A member is to notify the President of the Board prior to the scheduled meeting of his/her absence. Absences will be recorded by the Secretary in the Minutes of the meeting. In case of extenuating circumstances, a one-time exception can be requested by the absentee board member and will be decided by the remaining board members at the meeting of the fourth absence.
VI. Volunteers and Friends
A. The Library Board encourages individuals and groups to volunteer their time and effort in the service of the Library. In appreciation of volunteer services, the Library acknowledges the need to organize volunteer activities and provide for appropriate recognition befitting the benefit to the Library and the communities it serves.
B. Annual recognition will be given to volunteers.
C. A Library Friends Group is a formal association of people who unite to plan and execute, in conjunction with Library goals and the needs of the Library Director, programs and events to benefit the Library. In particular, a Friends Group is often heavily involved in fundraising for the library and often oversees periodic book sales. Friends Groups always serve in conjunction with the Library Board which is the legal authority to set policy for the development of the Library.
1. Staff at the Library may collect membership dues or donations for the Friends of the Library.
VII. Personnel Policy
Updated 1/23/2024.
A. Management Policy: The duly appointed Library Board shall have all management rights, authorities, and responsibilities as stated in Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 43.
1. The Library Board shall select, appoint, and when necessary for valid reasons, dismiss the Director of the Library.
2. The board shall establish all other positions and all wage and benefit levels for all library staff. All employees shall be governed according to the City of Westby Personnel Manual except as specifically noted in this policy document. The library director will hire personnel for open positions and provide
them with access to a current Employee Handbook and City of Westby Personnel Manual.
3. The Library Board shall provide an effective orientation for new Directors to assure that the Director understands:
a. the policies and processes related to the daily operation of the Library.
b. reporting and budgetary requirements that assure accountability and compliance with the law.
c. the expectations of the Board in regard to administrative processes and protocol, particularly as they relate to conducting effective and efficient Board meetings.
d. rules and requirements for state certification and any assistance which is provided by the Library to acquire and maintain appropriate certification.
4. The Library Board shall conduct annual appraisals of the Library Director’s performance, at which time personal and management goals can be discussed and negotiated.
B. Administrative Policy: The person appointed as Library Director shall be charged with the sole administration of the Library.
1. The Director shall be responsible to the Library Board in matters pertaining to and concerning the Library. The Director shall be present at Board meetings, prepare and present reports, and prepare meeting documents as requested.
2. The Director shall maintain financial records in an efficient manner; present periodic reports to the Library Board and to the municipal governing body; prepare the draft of the annual budget to be presented to the Library Board; and assist Trustees with presentation of the adopted request for appropriation to the municipal governing body.
3. The Director shall hold meetings at least quarterly with staff and/or volunteers for training and interpreting Board policy.
4. The Director will be responsible for preparing annual performance assessments for Library staff.
5. The Director shall have the responsibility for collection development for all material in the Library; this includes selection, ordering, processing, weeding, and inventory of the collections according to the guidelines in the policy (see Section VIII – Materials Selection/Collection Development).
6. The Director will recommend changes in, or additions to, Library policies as needed.
7. The Director will perform preparatory work to assist the Board with regular Library planning.
8. The Director is to administer the services of the Library. (see Section IV: Services of the Library)
C. All staff salaries are to be determined by the Library Board, on recommendation of the director. Salaries will be based upon experience, education, years of employment and performance of job description.
D. Vacation Policy: Director
1. The director will follow the City of Westby Personnel Policy Manual except as follows:
a. Years of Employment 0 – 12 months, 0 vacation time will be accrued.
After 1 year/12 months, 40 hours are accrued.
After 2 to 9 years, 80 hours are accrued.
After 10 to 15 years, 120 hours are accrued.
After 15 years, an additional 8 hours will be accrued for each year of service for a maximum of 195 hours of vacation per year.
b. The amount of vacation time is based on the director being hired to work 40 hours per week. If hours hired change, the amount of vacation time earned will also change.
c. Vacation time must be used in the calendar year earned. No vacation time can be carried over to the next year without prior board approval.
d. A summary of vacation time used must be available for review of the employee by the board of directors.
e. Vacation time for the director cannot be taken without prior board approval.
f. An Employee Request for Vacation Form must be on file at the library and kept with the earned/used summary sheet.
g. At least 2 week notice must be given before vacation time is used. Vacation time may be used with a shorter notice if hours can be covered.
h. Vacation and/or sick days may not be taken on top of, or in addition to, the total number of work hours allowed per week.
E. Leave of Absence: Leaves of absence without pay may be granted to Library employees for reasons acceptable to the Library Board. All leaves are considered on a case-by-case basis and must be approved by the Director. A leave for the Director must be approved by the Library Board.
1. Requests for leave should be submitted in writing well before the time when the leave is to begin. Written requests should indicate both a beginning and ending date for the leave. Vacation time must be used before an unpaid leave will be approved for reasons other than maternity, adoption, or military training.
2. When an employee is on unpaid leave, he/she is responsible for all health insurance costs and other benefit premiums or deductions that may apply.
3. In some instances, it may be necessary to deny requests for leaves of absence. Leaves are a privilege and can be granted only if the best interests of the Library can be maintained
F. Jury Duty: shall follow City of Westby Personnel Manual Section 4.9 – Jury Duty, Court Appearances.
G. Work Schedule Policy: Major changes in the Director’s schedule may not be made without approval of the Library Board. Requests for such shall be made in writing to the Library Board. Requests for changes in the work schedule of other staff or volunteers shall be made in writing to the Library Director. A schedule of all employee work hours including Director must be posted two weeks in advance. No overtime (over 40 hours per week) pay is allowed without Library Board approval. Board approval must be given before the overtime hours are worked.
H. Meetings, Conventions, and Workshops: The Director, staff and Trustees attending continuing education opportunities to aid the Library shall be allowed expenses at the discretion of the Library Board according to the amount appropriated in budget for such. The Director, staff and Trustees are encouraged to attend and participate in continuing education activities.
I. Bereavement: shall follow City of Westby Personnel Manual Section 4.10 Bereavement Leave. Additional time off and pay may be considered by the Library Director on an individual basis.
J. Military Leave: A director who is a duly enrolled member of the National Guard, State Guard, or any other organized reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be allowed a military leave of absence which has been ordered. The leave, under normal circumstances, will not exceed 14 days excluding Sundays and legal holidays. A copy of the order requiring attendance at military training sites shall accompany all requests for a military leave.
K. Sick, Emergency, Personal Leave:
1. After satisfactory completion of the performance probationary period, the Director shall be credited with 8 hours of SEP time for each month worked. Leave accumulation shall be limited to 288 hours.
2. In the event an employee suffers compensatory illness in the course of performing his/her duties and qualifies for workers compensation, said employee may use accumulated leave credits to bring the total compensation received (between the city on said leave and workers compensation) up to the employee’s regular base rate of pay for any given pay period. Sick leave may be used in this manner until all of the accrued sick leave has been paid. When worker’s compensation is paid, such monies shall be paid to the city, the city shall pay the employee his or her actual wages.
3. During their initial year of employment, the new Director or Assistant Director shall be entitled to a prorated amount of leave based on the number of months of employment during that calendar year. New Director or Assistant Director shall be ineligible to use paid leave during their initial probationary period; however, upon completion of the probationary period, they shall be credited with leave based upon their initial date of employment with the city. If an employee received pay for 11 normal work days during a calendar month, that month will be considered a month of employment
4. Accumulated leave hours may be used for illness and family responsibilities. The use of accumulated leave for any other purposes is an abuse of sick leave policy and grounds for termination.
5. The use of leave days shall not exceed two consecutive days without review and approval of the Director for staff, or Library Board for Director.
L. Holiday Pay: The Library Director and all staff members will be paid for the following holidays that fall on their regularly scheduled work day for the amount of hours they would have worked, up to 8 hours. Recognized holidays include: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day and the preceding Saturday, Independence Day, Labor Day and the preceding Saturday, Thanksgiving Day and the preceding Wednesday, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve Day. If the library is closed for only a portion of any of these days, the employee will be paid for the hours they work and the number of hours the library is closed that would have been part of their work schedule. In addition, all staff members who are regularly scheduled for more than 25 hours a week are entitled to one floating holiday.
M. Equal Opportunity Employment Policy: It is the policy of the Library to provide an equal employment opportunity for all qualified and able to be qualified persons. Equal employment opportunity shall be according to the provisions of State and Federal laws and regulations. Refer to City of Westby Personnel Policy for more information.
N. Drug-Free Workplace Policy: In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited while performing work for the Library, whether that work is carried out in the workplace building or not. All employees shall abide, as a condition of employment, by the terms of this notice and shall notify the Library Director or Board within 5 days of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace. Failure to comply with the above requirements shall be grounds for appropriate personnel action against such employee up to and including termination or such employee may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. Refer to City of Westby Personnel Policy for more information.
O. Sexual Harassment Policy:
1. Harassment on the basis of sex is a violation of Title VII (federal law) and Statute 111.36 (b) (state law). Sexual harassment, either verbal or physical, is an unlawful employment practice and will not be tolerated by the Library.
2. The Library accepts and adheres to all definitions and procedures outlined in the law as regards sexual harassment. Any employee who engages in sexual harassment will subject themselves to disciplinary action up to and including discharge.
3. Refer to City of Westby Personnel Policy for more information.
P. Licenses and Certifications: The employment contract and/or letter of appointment specify that as a condition of employment the Director will obtain and maintain the appropriate certification. Library Directors are required to participate in continuing education activities to maintain their certification.
Q. Performance Review: The Library Director’s performance will be evaluated yearly by the Board of Trustees. The Library Director will evaluate other staff performance on a yearly basis.
1. The performance review should be based on three factors:
a. The Director’s performance as it relates to a written job description (see attached form in Appendix I.)
b. A list of objectives for the preceding year jointly written and agreed upon by the Director and the Library Board.
c. The success of the Library in carrying out service programs, as well as the Director’s contribution to that success.
R. Hiring Employees Under Age 18:
1. Part-time or seasonal employees under eighteen (18) years of age must have a state-issued work permit, and the permit must be obtained before the employee is allowed to begin work as a Library employee. The prospective employee may obtain the application for a work permit from any public high school; the Library Director needs to provide the prospective employee with a letter stating the Library’s intention to employ the minor and the nature of the duties he/she will perform as an employee of the City of Westby and the Library.
S. Maternity & Paternity/Adoption Leave: Refer to City of Westby Personnel Policy, Section 4.7: Maternity Leave and Section 4.8: Paternity/Adoption Leave
T. Use of Library Telephone, Mail, E-mail:
1. Employees are permitted to use Library telephones or computers for personal reasons but are to limit such use to instances of necessity. This is a privilege, and not a right, that may be withdrawn by the Library Board if abused through excessive use or interference with work duties.
2. Long-distance calls for personal reasons are not allowed.
3. Employees shall not use the address of the Library or city offices for receipt of personal mail and other deliveries, without consent of the Library Director. Under no circumstances are the Library or city postage machines or stationery to be used for personal use.
U. Absenteeism and Tardiness:
1. Notice of Absence. When an employee is unable to report to work at the scheduled time, the employee shall notify the Director at least 4 hours before their scheduled work time. The Director will be responsible for staffing the Library. If the Director is unavailable, the employee should contact a board member. The Director shall notify the staff if the Director is unable to report to work at the scheduled time.
2. Failure to Provide Proper Notification. An employee or the Director who fails to provide the foregoing notification shall not be compensated for that day unless the employee can show that circumstances beyond his/her control affected his/her ability to provide the proper notification. The Library Director shall review such circumstances for all staff and determine if the circumstances were valid and unavoidable. The Library Board shall review such circumstances pertaining to the Director and determine if the circumstances were valid and unavoidable.
V. Disciplinary Policy: An employee of the Library may be dismissed for any action or behavior that causes the Library’s image or operation to be diminished. This includes but is not limited to: incompetence, misconduct, inattention to assigned duties, or unapproved absences from work.
1. Normally, termination would be a final step which would follow:
a. a substandard performance appraisal,
b. verbal and/or written warnings,
c. suspension,
d. extended probation.
2. It is important that complete and clear records be maintained of all disciplinary processes for the protection of the employee and the Library.
3. The Library wants each employee to be successful in his/her job and will work with employees to eliminate deficiencies.
4. While notice of intent to terminate can be expected, the Library reserves the right to dismiss an employee without notice in cases involving theft, drug or alcohol abuse, criminal activity, or in instances of significant misconduct.
W. Grievance procedure: It is the intent of the Library that every employee shall have the opportunity to express concerns relating to the physical surroundings in which the employee works, procedures and conditions of the specific position, relationships with fellow workers or supervisors, and Library rules as they apply to staff. A concern or grievance should follow the procedure below:
1. Staff grievances are to be brought to the Director’s attention. If the grievance is not resolved, the concern or grievance should be discussed with the library board president. The board president has the discretion to approach the director and/or the staff member for resolution. If that cannot happen, the Board will review the grievance during closed session at the next or special board meeting.
In the case of the Director having a concern, this should be discussed with any Library Board member. If not satisfactorily resolved, a written grievance or concern must be taken to the Library Board during closed session at the next, or special, board meeting.
2. The board president or a representative will respond to the employee within 5 days of the board meeting at which the issue is discussed, providing a determination, solution, or a strategy for how the board will address the issue has been decided.
X. Resignation and Retirement Policy:
1. A Library employee wishing to resign or retire from employment must notify the Director or the Library Board as soon as possible. The Library requests a minimum notice of two weeks. For the Library Director a notice of at least one month is preferred.
2. The employee must submit a formal, written resignation statement giving the exact date that employment is to be terminated. Between the time of notice and the time when employment ends, a final performance appraisal may be conducted.
Refer to City of Westby Personnel Policy for more information about the computation of the final paycheck.
VIII. Materials Selection/Collection Development
A. Objectives:
1. The purpose of the Library is to provide all individuals in the community with carefully selected books and other materials to aid in the pursuit of education, information, research, pleasure, and the creative use of leisure time.
2. Because of the volume of publishing, as well as the limitations of budget and space, the Library must have a selection policy with which to meet community interests and needs.
3. The materials selection or collection development policy is used by the Library staff in the selection of materials and also serves to acquaint the general public with the principles of selection.
4. The Library Board of Trustees endorses the “Freedom to Read” and “The Library Bill of Rights” as published by the American Library Association.
B. Responsibility for Selection: The ultimate responsibility for selection of Library materials rests with the Library Director who operates within the framework of the policies determined by the Library Board of Trustees. This responsibility may be shared with other members of the Library staff; however, because the Director must be available to answer to the Library Board and the general public for actual selections made, the Director has the authority to reject or select any item contrary to the recommendations of the staff.
C. Criteria for Selection:
1. The main points considered in the selection of materials are:
a. individual merit of each item.
b. popular appeal/demand
c. suitability of material for the patrons and the community.
d. existing Library holdings.
e. budget.
2. Reviews are a major source of information about new materials. Sources of such reviews are trade publications such as, but not limited to, Booklist, New York Times Book Review, YALSA, as well as ALA and WLA reviews.
3. The lack of a review or an unfavorable review shall not be the sole reason for rejecting a title which is in demand. Consideration is, therefore, given to requests from Library patrons and books discussed on public media. Materials are judged on the basis of the work as a whole, not on a part taken out of context.
D. Weeding:
1. An up-to-date, attractive and useful collection is maintained through a continual withdrawal and replacement process. Replacement of worn items is dependent upon current demand, usefulness, more recent acquisitions, and availability of newer editions. This ongoing process of weeding is the responsibility of the Library Director and is authorized by the Library Board. Withdrawn materials can be disposed of as the Director sees fit.
2. Certain items which the Director or Board deems to no longer worthwhile may be disposed.
E. Potential Problems or Challenges:
1. The Library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection of materials will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval, but solely on the basis of the principles stated in this policy.
2. Responsibility for the selection of materials for children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of Library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.
3. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents, and no Library material will be sequestered except to protect it from damage or theft.
F. Challenged Materials:
1. Although materials are carefully selected, there can arise differences of opinion regarding suitable materials. Patrons requesting that material be withdrawn from or restricted within the collection will be presented with the “Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources” packet which is available at the Library. After the patron has completed the steps outlined in the packet, if the issue has not been resolved, the inquiry will be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Library Board and will be resolved by consensus in closed session if necessary. The material will continue to circulate until the matter is resolved.
a. Sample of the “Request for Reconsideration of the Library Resources” is found on the American Library Association website.
G. Gifts and Donations:
1. The Library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate and needed. If they are not needed because of duplication, condition, or dated information, the Director can dispose of them as he/she sees fit. The same criteria of selection which are applied to purchased materials are applied to gifts. Memorial gifts of books or money are also accepted with suitable bookplates placed in the book. Specific memorial books can be ordered for the Library on request of a patron if the request meets the criteria established by the Board. It is desirable for gifts or specific titles to be offered after consultation with the Library Director. Book selection will be made by the Director if no specific book is requested. The Library encourages and appreciates gifts and donations.
2. By law, the Library is not allowed to appraise the value of donated materials, though it can provide an acknowledgment of receipt of the items if requested by the donor.
3. If a gift is given that the Director does not deem appropriate, the gift may be declined, and a suitable recommendation made to the donor.
4. Naming rights will be at the discretion of the Library Board.
5. Money given for the purchase of Library materials and programing will be deposited in the Library account with the city of Westby. The Library Director will expend these accounts and the Library Board will be informed of the donation. Recognition will be given by the Library Director.
6. Monetary donations more than $500 given to the Library will be placed in the Library Board-controlled account. The donation will be used at the discretion of the Library Board. A thank-you note will be written by a Library Board member.
7. The Library Board may designate special projects that require donation funding. This money will be kept under the control of the Library Board treasurer.
H. Interlibrary Loans:
1. Because of limited budget and space, the Library cannot provide all materials that are requested. Therefore, interlibrary loan is used to obtain from other libraries those materials that are beyond the scope of this Library’s collection. In return for utilizing interlibrary loan to satisfy the needs of our patrons, the Library agrees to lend its materials to other libraries through the same interlibrary loan network, and to make an effort to have its current holdings listed in a tool that is accessible by other libraries throughout the state.
IX. Circulation
Updated 1/23/2024.
A. Registration:
1. All borrowers must be registered and must have a valid local or system patron card to borrow Library materials.
2. Patrons must fill out an application form to register for a new Library card. The following statement will be printed on the registration form for the patron’s information and acceptance:
I agree to be responsible for all items borrowed with the library card issued in the above name, including items borrowed with it by others with or without my consent unless I have previously reported the loss of my card. I promise to comply with all rules and policies, both present and future, and to give prompt notice of change of address or loss of library card.
Signature _________________________________
a. Identification is required. A current valid ID with photo, name, and current address (driver’s license, Wisconsin state ID, etc.) OR a photo ID and another piece of current identification which includes name and current address must be presented upon registration. Accepted forms of address are: personal check; current telephone, gas, electric or cable bill; lease agreement; or a letter certifying local residency from a social service agency. (Post office box numbers and general delivery are not accepted.)
3. Applicants under 16 years of age must have a parent or guardian give their consent on the application form before a new card can be issued. This parental signature is not required for children who are renewing cards.
4. Materials cannot be checked out until a Library card is issued.
5. Library cards may be issued to nonresidents of Wisconsin at the discretion of Library staff. Out-of-state residents will only be able to use said Library card to checkout materials that are part of the Winding Rivers Library System.
B. Lost or Forgotten Cards:
1. If a patron loses their Library card, that patron should notify the Library as soon as possible and request replacement.
2. All patrons are required to bring their Library card or photo ID with them if they intend to check out items.
C. Loan Periods:
1. Loan periods vary by type of material. Patrons are responsible for returning their materials on time. The Library Director may establish the loan period for special collections or materials.
2. Generally, reference books do not circulate. Upon request, some reference materials may be checked out at the discretion of Library staff.
3. Materials may be renewed up to three times if there is not a waiting list.
a. There is no limit on the number of items a patron can borrow at one time.
D. Reserves / Holds: Library patrons may reserve or request materials in person, over the phone or on the internet. Patrons will be notified when the requested materials become available. There is no charge to the patron for placing a request to reserve materials. When materials become available, they will be placed on the “hold shelf” for up to seven days. If the materials have not been picked up by the end of seven days, items will be returned to the owning library, or sent to fill the next patron request.
E. Fines and Charges: Fines for materials vary by type of material and housing location. Fines will never exceed the cost of replacement and the additional processing fee.
F. Damaged Materials: The patron must pay the replacement cost of materials returned damaged or in unusable condition. If repairable, the patron will be assessed the cost of the repair. A notice of these charges will be applied to the borrower’s account. Any fines totaling $10.00 or more will result in the loss of Library privileges.
G. Lost Materials: After materials have been marked as lost, a patron may still return the item any time within the next 365 days. If the material has not been replaced, the item may be returned, and the patron will be responsible for the maximum $5 fine. If the item has been replaced, patron is responsible for the replacement cost plus processing fee and may keep the lost item. The Librarian may replace the material at any point after it has been marked as lost.
H. Confidentiality:
1. As specified in Wisconsin Statutes 43.30, “records of any library which is in whole or in part supported by public funds, including the records of a public library system, indicating the identity of any individual who borrows or uses the library’s documents or other materials, resources or services may not be disclosed except by court order or to persons acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the library or library system, to persons authorized by the individual to inspect such records, or to libraries authorized under subs. (2) and (3).”
2. The Library adheres strictly to all sections of this statute regarding the protection of the confidentiality of its users.
3. Library staff must be aware of the requirement specified in Wisconsin Statutes 43.30 to disclose to a custodial parent or guardian of a child under age 16 any records relating to that child’s use of the library’s materials, resources or services. This may include any records of library activities which are maintained by the library, but only records for the particular individual specified in the request.
4. If there is a concern about the identity of the person making a request for records of a child under the age of 16, the form “Custodial Parent/Guardian Certification” found on the American Library Association website shall be filled out and signed before records will be made available.
5. A custodial parent/guardian request will be acted upon as soon as practical.
6. Library staff must refer all requests for library records and all requests for information about particular library users to the library director or the library director’s designee. Procedures for staff to follow in case of law enforcement visits are found on the American Library Association website.
7. The Library staff will not discuss the reading habits or movie tastes of patrons; will not reveal who has been issued a library card; and will not share information about use of library resources and services by library patrons except as necessary for the performance of their job duties and in accordance with law and procedures approved by the library director and/or board.
X. Reference Service
A. Library staff will provide information in the form of short answers to specific questions and guidance in locating material for patrons who appear in person, telephone, or request information through correspondence.
B. Staff will assist patrons in the use of the library and teach basic research methodology when appropriate. This includes providing help in developing a research strategy and advice on whether a trip to the library would be worthwhile for individuals who telephone.
C. Staff will provide bibliographic verification of items both owned by the library and not owned by the library and will assist patrons in obtaining materials through interlibrary loan when appropriate.
D. Staff may refer library users to other agencies and libraries in pursuit of needed information.
E. Staff may use not only the library’s resources in printed form, but consult appropriate digital resources as well as the regional resource library and other agencies by telephone in pursuit of “ready reference” information.
XI. Programming
A. A “program” is a planned interaction between the library staff and the program participants to promote library materials, facilities, or services, as well as offer the community an informational, entertaining, or cultural experience.
B. Programming includes but is not limited to such activities as story times, films, summer library programs for children, speakers, and book or author discussion groups.
C. The library director, in conjunction with the board of trustees, will establish a budget and goals for programming to facilitate the effective implementation of this service.
XII. Public Relations
A. Public relations goals of the Library are:
1. To promote an understanding of the library’s objectives and services;
2. To promote active participation in the varied services and activities offered by the library to people of all ages.
B. The board recognizes that public relations involves every person who has connection
with the library. The board urges its own members and every staff member to realize that he or she represents the library in every public contact.
C. The director will be expected to make presentations and to participate in community activities to promote library services. A reasonable amount of library time will be allowed for preparation and speaking. Materials to be used by press, radio, or television will be approved by the director.
D. Library staff while on library duty may sell tickets, buttons or be involved in fundraisers for private or community organizations that include benefit donations upon the approval of the library director and two policy committee board members.
E. The Library will not donate to private or civic causes or events.
F. The Library reserves the right to fund-raise on its own behalf.
XIII. Displays and Exhibits
A. As an educational and cultural institution, the Library welcomes exhibits and displays of interest, information, and enlightenment to the community. Displays of handiwork, historical material, nature study, or any other material deemed of general interest may be exhibited. The director shall accept or reject material offered for display based on its suitability and availability.
B. The library assumes no responsibility for the preservation or protection of, and no liability for possible damage or theft of any item displayed or exhibited. All items placed in the library are there at the owner’s risk.
C. A release must be signed by the exhibitor before any artifact can be placed in the library. The release will be kept on file in the library until materials are returned and a copy of the release will be given to the exhibitor. An example of the release follows:
Library Display and Exhibit Release:
I, the undersigned, hereby lend the following works of art or other materials to
the Library for exhibit purposes only. In consideration of the privilege of
exhibiting them in the Library, I hereby release said Library from responsibility
for loss, damage or destruction while the materials are in the possession of the
Exhibition to be held in the ________________________________________
Description of materials loaned_____________________________________
Signature________________________________ Date__________________
Address_________________________________ Telephone______________
Library director signature_______________________________________________________
D: All foyer case displays will include at least two (2) items related to the Bekkum Memorial Library collection.
XIV. Public Notice Bulletin Boards
A. The Interior/Lobby bulletin board is for Bekkum Memorial Library use only.
B. Outdoor Bulletin Board: Purpose – As an educational, cultural, and community institution, the Westby Public Library welcomes postings for the citizens of Westby to view. As such, the bulletin board at the Westby Public Library is made available for the posting of community announcements. In order to best utilize the limited space available for such postings, please adhere to the following policy and procedures regarding usage of the library’s bulletin board.
1. Policy and Procedure:
a. Library materials take priority over community announcements.
b. All postings will be approved at the discretion of the Library Director. Library staff will be responsible for removing notices.
c. Non-profit, cultural, educational, scientific, humanitarian, self-help, or other community services’ postings for events or activities will remain posted, as space allows, until the event, or deadline for registration has passed.
d. Notices that are not date sensitive may be posted for up to three months, space permitting. Each notice will be marked with the initials of the Library Director and the date of posting.
e. Limited space recommends that no signage larger than 8 ½ x 11 may be posted.
f. The bulletin board is located in a public space, so postings must be appropriate for viewing by all ages. Exclusions include: political campaign materials, postings designed for individual or commercial profit or gain, postings for a specific religious sect, or postings containing content that could be considered discriminatory. The director must approve all postings and may prohibit postings which do not meet library standards.
g. Use of the Library’s Bulletin Board does not imply endorsement by the Westby Public Library of the events or services posted.
XV. Meeting Room and Patio Usage
Updated 12/19/2023.
A. Library programming will have first priority in use of the meeting room and/or patio.
B. The meeting room is available to individuals or organized groups by appointment only. The patio may be used by library patrons except during special event library programming.
C. The fact that a group is permitted to meet at the library does not in any way constitute an endorsement of the group’s policies or beliefs by the library staff or board of directors.
D. There will be no charge for use of the meeting room except when custodial services are necessary.
E. No admission may be charged by the group or individual using the meeting room.
F. Smoking is not allowed in the meeting room or on the patio.
G. Only groups of 4 or less may use the meeting room.
H. If the meeting room or patio are not left in neat, clean, and orderly condition, future access may be denied.
I. The library is not responsible for any equipment, supplies, materials, clothing or other items brought to the library by any group or individual attending a meeting.
J. The library board and staff do not assume any liability for groups or individuals attending a meeting at the library.
XVI. Equipment Material Use
A. Computers, laptops, iPads and Kindles are available to patrons on a first-come, first-served basis. To make the service available to as many patrons as possible, an automatic time limit is in place on each device. Library staff members are available for general assistance when using the device. Staff members will not train patrons in the use of application programs nor will they complete online forms, applications, questionnaires or other materials. Staff may suggest resources that offer further assistance to patrons.
B. A copy machine is available to patrons. Patrons are advised that there are restrictions on copyrighted materials. Any violation of copyright is the responsibility of the Patron. Rules and regulations regarding use of the copy machine can be found at the circulation desk.
C. Parents of children under 18 must assume responsibility for their children’s use of equipment.
D. The library assumes no responsibility for damage or alleged damage to a borrower’s CD player, DVD player, MP3 player, computer or car stereo system, etc., by library materials.
XVII. Computer and Mobile Device Use
A. The Library provides computers, mobile devices and access to the Internet as a means to enhance the information and learning opportunities for the public.
B. The library board, its staff, and volunteers have no control over the information on the Internet and are not responsible for the availability and accuracy of information found on the internet.
C. Computers, mobile devices and/or Internet use is offered in sessions on a first come-first serve basis. Exceptions may be made if deemed appropriate by the librarian.
D. Users should be aware that the inappropriate use of electronic information resources is a violation of local, state, and federal laws and can lead to prosecution. Users will respect and uphold copyright laws and all other applicable laws and regulations. Users shall not distribute computer viruses or cause damage to computer equipment or programs.
1. The user will be held responsible for their actions using the Internet to the full extent of the law.
E. Parents of children under 18 must assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet.
F. Children that are under 6 years old must have a parent/guardian (as defined in Policy III. Patron Responsibilities and Conduct. B.) present during their child’s use of the Internet.
G. Users may not access pornographic materials on the internet.
H. Absolutely no FOOD or DRINK while using a library computer or mobile device.
I. The cost for printing will follow a policy set by the Library Director which is available at the front desk.
J. Patrons must logout when finished using a computer or any mobile device.
K. All patrons must leave a valid library card or driver’s license with the circulation staff while using any of the library’s mobile devices.
L. To avoid damage, patrons are expected to exercise caution while using computers and mobile devices.
M. Circulation staff may revoke any and all mobile device, computer and/or Internet privileges.
N. At the director’s discretion, staff may use the library’s mobile technology devices outside the library.
O. Library fines over $10 prevent use of the Internet.
XVIII. Revision of Library Policies
A. The statements of Library’s policies shall be subject to review and required revisions at least every five years by the library board. Individual policies will be reviewed or added as needed.
XIX. Library Closings
A. Holiday Closings: The Library shall be closed at the following times:
1. New Year’s Day: If New Year’s Day is on a Sunday, the Library will be closed the following Monday.
2. Memorial Day and the preceding Saturday.
3. Independence Day: If Independence Day falls on a Sunday then the library will be closed the following Monday.
4. Labor Day and the preceding Saturday.
5. Thanksgiving Day and the preceding Wednesday.
6. Christmas Eve Day (December 24).
7. Christmas Day: If Christmas Day is on a Sunday, the library will be closed the following Monday.
8. New Year’s Eve Day (December 31).
B. Emergency Closings: The library is a public service institution and every effort is made to maintain regular hours for the public and staff, safety permitting. The library will be closed when weather conditions deteriorate to the point where emergency situations prevail, when vital equipment in the building fails (e.g. furnace fails, no water in the building, no electricity, etc.) or if otherwise deemed necessary to ensure safety of either the library staff or the public. In the instance of adverse weather, the occasion to close the library will be based upon:
· General conditions of the roads in the Westby area
· Conditions of the Library’s parking lot, walkways and emergency exits
· Availability of staff to open and operate the library
· Requests for closure by local, county or state law enforcement agencies
The decision to close will be made y the Library Director. In the absence of the Director, the Library Board President will make the decision to close the library. The Library Director must be notified of such action. Notification of closing or cancellations will be posted on WVRQ radio and all library social media platforms.
· Children and Teen programs will be cancelled if schools are closed.
· All scheduled library programs will be cancelled in the event of a library building closing.
The Bekkum Memorial Library wants its staff members to feel safe. Staff members seriously concerned for their safety in the event of adverse weather conditions, who choose not to travel to work (or choose to leave work before their shift is over) should feel comfortable doing so after notifying the director. Prior to closing the library, the Director should contact any volunteers/board members who may be able to maintain library services in inclement weather. Full-time staff will be expected to use vacation time, or to make up the hours within the pay period. Part-time staff have the option of making up the lost time, with Director approval.
XX. Social Networking Media
A. The Library Director and designated employees of the library involved with social networking media will become familiar with the terms and conditions of each media being used by the library.
B. Library director will enforce certain restrictions to ensure consistency, safety and effective communications.
C. Library social networking media content and comments should not contain:
1. Comments not topically related to the particular content.
2. Profane language or tone.
3. Harassing language or tone.
4. Content that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, age, religion, gender, marital status, status regarding public assistance, national origin, physical or mental disability or sexual orientation.
5. Sexual content or links to sexual content.
6. Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity.
7. Information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public system.
8. Content that violates an ownership interest of any other party.
9. Promotion or opposition of any person campaigning for election to a political office, or promoting or opposing any ballot proposition unless specifically authorized by the Library Board of Trustees.
10. Disclosure of information that the library and its employees must keep confidential by law or administrative rule.
11. Endorsement of political parties, candidates, or groups.
12. Potentially libelous statements.
13. Plagiarized or copy-written material.
14. Private, personal information published without consent.
15. Comments totally unrelated to the content of the discussion.
16. Hyperlinks to material that is not directly related to the discussion.
17. Photos or other images that fall in any of the above categories.